20A-7-504. Circulation requirements -- Local clerk to provide sponsors withmaterials. (1) In order to obtain the necessary number of signatures required by this part, thesponsors shall circulate initiative packets that meet the form requirements of this part.
(2) The local clerk shall furnish to the sponsors:
(a) one copy of the initiative petition; and
(b) one signature sheet.
(3) The sponsors of the petition shall:
(a) arrange and pay for the printing of all additional copies of the petition and signaturesheets; and
(b) ensure that the copies of the petition and signature sheets meet the form requirementsof this section.
(4) (a) The sponsors may prepare the initiative for circulation by creating multipleinitiative packets.
(b) The sponsors shall create those packets by binding a copy of the initiative petition, acopy of the proposed law, and no more than 50 signature sheets together at the top in such a waythat the packets may be conveniently opened for signing.
(c) The sponsors need not attach a uniform number of signature sheets to each initiativepacket.
(5) (a) After the sponsors have prepared sufficient initiative packets, they shall returnthem to the local clerk.
(b) The local clerk shall:
(i) number each of the initiative packets and return them to the sponsors within fiveworking days; and
(ii) keep a record of the numbers assigned to each packet.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2000 General Session