20A-7-601. Referenda -- General signature requirements -- Signature requirementsfor land use laws -- Time requirements. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), a person seeking to have a law passed by thelocal legislative body submitted to a vote of the people shall obtain legal signatures equal to:
(a) 10% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes exceeds 25,000;
(b) 12-1/2% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates forgovernor at the last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does notexceed 25,000 but is more than 10,000;
(c) 15% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed10,000 but is more than 2,500;
(d) 20% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed2,500 but is more than 500;
(e) 25% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed 500but is more than 250; and
(f) 30% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed250.
(2) (a) As used in this Subsection (2), "land use law" includes a land use developmentcode, an annexation ordinance, and comprehensive zoning ordinances.
(b) A person seeking to have a land use law passed by the local legislative bodysubmitted to a vote of the people shall obtain legal signatures equal to:
(i) in a county or in a city of the first or second class, 20% of all votes cast in the countyor city for all candidates for governor at the last election at which a governor was elected; and
(ii) in a city of the third, fourth, or fifth class or a town, 35% of all the votes cast in thecity or town for all candidates for governor at the last election at which a governor was elected.
(3) (a) Sponsors of any referendum petition challenging, under Subsection (1) or (2), anylocal law passed by a local legislative body shall file the petition within 45 days after the passageof the local law.
(b) The local law remains in effect until repealed by the voters via referendum.
(4) If the referendum passes, the local law that was challenged by the referendum isrepealed as of the date of the election.
Amended by Chapter 258, 2004 General Session