20A-7-706. Copies of arguments to be sent to opposing authors -- Rebuttalarguments. (1) When the lieutenant governor has received the arguments for and against a measureto be submitted to the voters, the lieutenant governor shall immediately send copies of thearguments in favor of the measure to the authors of the arguments against and copies of thearguments against to the authors of the arguments in favor.
(2) The authors may prepare and submit rebuttal arguments not exceeding 250 words.
(3) (a) The rebuttal arguments must be filed with the lieutenant governor:
(i) for constitutional amendments and referendum petitions, not later than the day thatfalls 120 days before the date of the election; and
(ii) for initiatives, not later than August 30.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), the authors may not amend or change therebuttal arguments after they are submitted to the lieutenant governor.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), the lieutenant governor may not alter thearguments in any way.
(d) The lieutenant governor and the authors of a rebuttal argument may jointly modify arebuttal argument after it is submitted if:
(i) they jointly agree that changes to the rebuttal argument must be made to correctspelling or grammatical errors; and
(ii) the rebuttal argument has not yet been submitted for typesetting.
(4) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that:
(a) rebuttal arguments are printed in the same manner as the direct arguments; and
(b) each rebuttal argument follows immediately after the direct argument which it seeksto rebut.
Amended by Chapter 225, 2008 General Session