20A-8-101. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Continuing political party" means an organization of voters that participated in thelast regular general election and polled a total vote for any of its candidates for any office equal to2% or more of the total votes cast for all candidates for the United States House ofRepresentatives.
(2) "County political party" means, for each registered political party, all of the personswithin a single county who, under definitions established by the county political party, aremembers of the registered political party.
(3) "Newly registered political party" means a statewide organization of voters that hascomplied with the petition and organizing procedures of this chapter to become a registeredpolitical party.
(4) "Registered political party" means an organization of voters that:
(a) participated in the last regular general election and polled a total vote for any of itscandidates for any office equal to 2% or more of the total votes cast for all candidates for theUnited States House of Representatives; or
(b) has complied with the petition and organizing procedures of this chapter.
(5) "State political party" means, for each registered political party, all of the persons inUtah who, under definitions established by the state political party, are members of the registeredpolitical party.
Amended by Chapter 49, 1999 General Session