20A-8-106. Organization as a political party -- Certification procedures. (1) On or before March 1 of the regular general election year, the prospective political party's officers or governing board shall file the names of the party officers or governing boardwith the lieutenant governor.
(2) After reviewing the information and determining that all proper procedures have beencompleted, the lieutenant governor shall:
(a) issue a certificate naming the organization as a registered political party in Utah anddesignating its official name; and
(b) inform each county clerk that the organization is a registered political party in Utah.
(3) All election officers and state officials shall consider the organization to be and shalltreat the organization as a registered political party.
(4) The newly registered political party shall comply with all the provisions of Utah lawgoverning political parties.
(5) (a) If the newly registered political party does not hold a national party convention,the governing board of the political party may designate the names of the party's candidates forthe offices of President and Vice President of the United States and the names of the party'spresidential electors to the lieutenant governor by August 15.
(b) If the party chooses to designate names, the governing board shall certify thosenames.
Amended by Chapter 213, 1996 General Session