20A-9-502. Certificate of nomination -- Contents -- Circulation -- Verification. (1) The candidate shall:
(a) prepare a certificate of nomination in substantially the following form:
"State of Utah, County of ______________________________________________
I, ______________, declare my intention of becoming an unaffiliated candidate for thepolitical group designated as ____ for the office of ____. I do solemnly swear that I can qualifyto hold that office both legally and constitutionally if selected, and that I reside at ____ Street, inthe city of ____, county of ____, state of Utah, zip code ____, phone ____, and that I amproviding, or have provided, the required number of signatures of registered voters required bylaw; that as a candidate at the next election I will not knowingly violate any election or campaignlaw; I will file all campaign financial disclosure reports as required by law; and I understand thatfailure to do so will result in my disqualification as a candidate for this office and removal of myname from the ballot.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______(monthdayyear).
Notary Public (or other officer
qualified to administer oaths)"; and
(b) attach signature sheets to the certificate that contain a place for the registered voter'ssignature, a place for the registered voter to print his name, and a place for the registered voter'saddress.
(2) (a) The candidate shall circulate the nomination petition and submit it to the countyclerk for certification when the petition has been completed by:
(i) at least 1,000 registered voters residing within the state when the nomination is for anoffice to be filled by the voters of the entire state; or
(ii) at least 300 registered voters residing within a political division or at least 5% of theregistered voters residing within a political division, whichever is less, when the nomination isfor an office to be filled by the voters of any political division smaller than the state.
(b) In reviewing the petition, the county clerk shall count and certify only those personswho signed the petition who:
(i) are registered voters within the political division that the candidate seeks to represent;and
(ii) did not sign any other certificate of nomination for that office.
(c) The candidate may supplement or amend the certificate of nomination at any time onor before the filing deadline.
Amended by Chapter 202, 2009 General Session