20A-11-1002 (Superseded 01/01/11). Retention and public inspection of financialstatements -- Written complaint if statement is false or unlawful. (1) The chief election officer shall:
(a) make each financial statement required by this chapter:
(i) open to public inspection in the office of the chief election officer; and
(ii) available for viewing on the Internet at the lieutenant governor's website within sevencalendar days after the report is received by the chief election officer;
(b) preserve those statements for at least five years; and
(c) provide certified copies of the financial statements in the same manner as for otherpublic records.
(2) Any candidate or voter may file a written complaint with the chief election officeralleging that a filed financial statement does not conform to law or to the truth.
Amended by Chapter 317, 2002 General Session