20A-11-202. State office candidate -- Personal campaign committee required. (1) (a) (i) Each state office candidate shall select no more than one personal campaigncommittee, consisting of one or more persons, to receive contributions, make expenditures, andfile reports connected with the candidate's campaign.
(ii) A state office candidate may serve as his own campaign committee.
(b) Except for expenses made by a registered political party to benefit a party's candidatesgenerally, a state office candidate or other person acting in concert with or with the knowledge ofthe state office candidate may not receive any contributions or make any expenditures on behalfof a state office candidate other than through a personal campaign committee established underthis section.
(2) (a) The state office candidate shall file a written statement signed by the candidate orauthorized member of the candidate's personal campaign committee with the lieutenant governorthat:
(i) informs the lieutenant governor that the state office candidate's personal campaigncommittee has been selected; and
(ii) provides the name and address of each member and the secretary of the committee.
(b) A state office candidate or the candidate's personal campaign committee may notmake any expenditures on behalf of the candidate until the statement has been filed.
(c) A state office candidate may revoke the selection of any member of the campaigncommittee by:
(i) revoking that person's appointment or election in writing;
(ii) personally serving the written revocation on the member whose selection is revoked;and
(iii) filing a copy of the written revocation with the lieutenant governor.
(d) (i) The state office candidate may select a replacement to fill any vacancy on thecampaign committee.
(ii) The state office candidate shall file that replacement's name and address with thelieutenant governor.
(3) A member of a state office candidate's personal campaign committee may not makean expenditure of more than $1,000 unless the state office candidate or the secretary of thepersonal campaign committee authorizes the expenditure in writing.
(4) A state office candidate or the candidate's personal campaign committee may notmake any expenditures prohibited by law.
Amended by Chapter 355, 1997 General Session