20A-11-602 (Superseded 01/01/11). Political action committees -- Financialreporting. (1) (a) Each registered political action committee that has received contributions totalingat least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least $50, during a calendar year shall file averified financial statement with the lieutenant governor's office on:
(i) January 10, reporting contributions and expenditures as of December 31 of theprevious year;
(ii) August 31; and
(iii) seven days before the regular general election.
(b) The registered political action committee shall report:
(i) a detailed listing of all contributions received and expenditures made since the laststatement; and
(ii) for financial statements filed on August 31 and before the general election, allcontributions and expenditures as of five days before the required filing date of the financialstatement.
(c) The registered political action committee need not file a statement under this sectionif it received no contributions and made no expenditures during the reporting period.
(2) (a) The verified financial statement shall include:
(i) the name, address, and occupation of any individual that makes a contribution to thereporting political action committee, and the amount of the contribution;
(ii) the identification of any publicly identified class of individuals that makes acontribution to the reporting political action committee, and the amount of the contribution;
(iii) the name and address of any political action committee, group, or entity that makes acontribution to the reporting political action committee, and the amount of the contribution;
(iv) for each nonmonetary contribution, the fair market value of the contribution;
(v) the name and address of each reporting entity that received an expenditure from thereporting political action committee, and the amount of each expenditure;
(vi) for each nonmonetary expenditure, the fair market value of the expenditure;
(vii) the total amount of contributions received and expenditures disbursed by thereporting political action committee;
(viii) a paragraph signed by the political action committee's treasurer or chief financialofficer verifying that, to the best of the signer's knowledge, the financial report is accurate; and
(ix) a summary page in the form required by the lieutenant governor that identifies:
(A) beginning balance;
(B) total contributions during the period since the last statement;
(C) total contributions to date;
(D) total expenditures during the period since the last statement; and
(E) total expenditures to date.
(b) (i) Contributions received by a political action committee that have a value of $50 orless need not be reported individually, but shall be listed on the report as an aggregate total.
(ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of morethan $50 may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.
(3) A group or entity may not divide or separate into units, sections, or smaller groups forthe purpose of avoiding the financial reporting requirements of this chapter, and substance shallprevail over form in determining the scope or size of a political action committee.
Amended by Chapter 14, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 49, 2008 General Session