20A-12-302. Campaign committee required. (1) (a) When permitted to do so by the Code of Judicial Conduct promulgated by theUtah Supreme Court, and if the judge chooses to solicit contributions or make expenditures topromote his retention, the judge may establish no more than one retention election personalcampaign committee, consisting of one or more persons, to receive contributions, makeexpenditures, and shall file reports connected with the judge's retention election campaign.
(b) A judge or person acting in concert with or with the knowledge of the judge may notreceive any contributions or make any expenditures other than through the personal campaigncommittee established under this section.
(2) (a) The judge shall file with the lieutenant governor a signed written statementcontaining the name and address of each member and the secretary of the judge's personalcampaign committee.
(b) The judge may change the membership of the personal campaign committee at anytime by filing with the lieutenant governor a signed statement containing the name and address ofany additional members and identifying any members that have been removed from thecommittee.
(c) The judge or the judge's personal campaign committee may not make anyexpenditures on behalf of the judge until the statement has been filed.
(3) (a) The judge's personal campaign committee may not make an expenditure of morethan $1,000 unless the judge or the secretary of the personal campaign committee authorizes theexpenditure in writing.
(b) A judge or the judge's personal campaign committee may not make any expendituresprohibited by law.
(4) A judge's personal campaign committee is dissolved on the date that the summaryreport required by Section
20A-12-304 is filed.
Enacted by Chapter 166, 2001 General Session