20A-12-304 (Superseded 01/01/11). Judicial retention election candidates --Financial reporting requirements -- Year-end summary report. (1) The judge's personal campaign committee shall file a summary report with thelieutenant governor by January 10 of the year after the regular general election year.
(2) (a) Each summary report shall include the following information as of December 31of the last regular general election year:
(i) a single figure equal to the total amount of contributions reported on the interimreport;
(ii) a single figure equal to the total amount of expenditures reported on the interimreport;
(iii) a detailed listing of each contribution received since the last summary report that hasnot been reported in detail on the interim report;
(iv) for each nonmonetary contribution, the fair market value of the contribution;
(v) a detailed listing of each expenditure made since the last summary report that has notbeen reported in detail on the interim report;
(vi) for each nonmonetary expenditure, the fair market value of the expenditure; and
(vii) the net balance for the year, consisting of all contributions minus all expenditures.
(b) (i) For all single contributions of $50 or less, an aggregate figure may be reportedwithout a separate detailed listing.
(ii) Two or more contributions from the same source for a total of more than $50 may notbe reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported in the detailed listing.
(3) The summary report shall contain a statement signed by the judge certifying that, tothe best of the judge's knowledge, all contributions and all expenditures have been reported as ofDecember 31 of the last regular general election year and that there are no financial obligationsoutstanding except as set forth in the report.
Amended by Chapter 14, 2008 General Session