23-13-12.5. Agreement with a tribe. (1) As used in this section, "tribe" means a federally recognized:
(a) Indian tribe; or
(b) Indian band.
(2) (a) Subject to the requirements of this section, the governor may enter into anagreement with a tribe to settle a dispute between the state and the tribe concerning a hunting,fishing, or trapping right claim that is:
(i) based on:
(A) a treaty;
(B) an aboriginal right; or
(C) other recognized federal right; and
(ii) on lands located within the state.
(b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), an agreement permitted under Subsection(2)(a) may not exempt any person from the requirements of this title.
(c) An agreement permitted under Subsection (2)(a) may exempt or partially exempt atribe that is a party to the agreement or a member of that tribe from:
(i) Section
23-16-5, placing a limit of one of any species of big game during a licenseyear;
(ii) Section
23-16-6, commencement date of the general deer season;
(iii) a hunter or furharvester education requirement under Chapter 19, Licenses, Permits,and Tags;
(iv) an age restriction under Chapter 19, Licenses, Permits, and Tags;
(v) paying a fee required under this title to obtain a hunting, fishing, or trapping license orpermit;
(vi) obtaining a license or permit required under this title to hunt, trap, or fish; or
(vii) complying with a rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board if the exemption is notinconsistent with this title.
(d) An agreement permitted under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
(i) be in writing;
(ii) be signed by:
(A) the governor; and
(B) the governing body of the tribe that:
(I) is designated by the tribe; and
(II) may bind the tribe to the terms of the agreement;
(iii) be conditioned on obtaining any approval required by federal law;
(iv) state the effective date of the agreement;
(v) provide that the governor shall renegotiate the agreement if the agreement is orbecomes inconsistent with a state statute for which an exemption is not authorized under thissection; and
(vi) include any accommodation made by the tribe that:
(A) is agreed to by the tribe;
(B) is reasonably related to the agreement; and
(C) concerns the management and use of wildlife resources or habitat.
(e) Prior to executing an agreement under this Subsection (2), the governor shall consultwith:
(i) the division; and
(ii) the chair of the Wildlife Board created in Section
(f) At least 30 days before the agreement under this Subsection (2) is executed, thegovernor or the governor's designee shall provide a copy of the agreement in the form that theagreement will be executed to:
(i) the chairs of the Native American Legislative Liaison Committee; and
(ii) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
Amended by Chapter 70, 2002 General Session