23-14-13. Wildlife Resources Account. (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the "WildlifeResources Account."
(2) The following money shall be deposited into the Wildlife Resources Account:
(a) revenue from the sale of licenses, permits, tags, and certificates of registration issuedunder this title or a rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board, except as otherwise provided bythis title;
(b) revenue from the sale, lease, rental, or other granting of rights of real or personalproperty acquired with revenue specified in Subsection (2)(a);
(c) revenue from fines and forfeitures for violations of this title or any rule, proclamation,or order of the Wildlife Board, minus court costs not to exceed the schedule adopted by theJudicial Council;
(d) funds appropriated from the General Fund by the Legislature pursuant to Section
(e) other money received by the division under any provision of this title, except asotherwise provided by this title;
(f) contributions made in accordance with Section
59-10-1305; and
(g) interest, dividends, or other income earned on account money.
(3) Money in the Wildlife Resources Account shall be used for the administration of thistitle.
Amended by Chapter 278, 2010 General Session