23-14-14.1. Wolf Depredation and Management Restricted Account -- Interest --Use of contributions and interest. (1) There is created within the General Fund the Wolf Depredation and ManagementRestricted Account.
(2) The account shall be funded by contributions deposited into the Wolf Depredationand Management Restricted Account in accordance with Section
(3) (a) The Wolf Depredation and Management Restricted Account shall earn interest.
(b) Interest earned on the Wolf Depredation and Management Restricted Account shallbe deposited into the Wolf Depredation and Management Restricted Account.
(4) (a) Subject to Subsection (4)(b) and except as provided in Subsection (5),contributions and interest deposited into the Wolf Depredation and Management RestrictedAccount shall be used by the Division of Wildlife Resources for:
(i) payments for livestock depredation by wolves; or
(ii) wolf management.
(b) Contributions and interest deposited into the Wolf Depredation and ManagementRestricted Account may be used for the purposes described in Subsection (4)(a) only to theextent permitted by federal law.
(5) Any contributions and interest remaining on June 30, 2009 in the Wolf Depredationand Management Restricted Account shall be deposited into the Agricultural and WildlifeDamage Prevention Account created in Section
Amended by Chapter 17, 2009 General Session