23-14-18. Establishment of seasons, locations, limits, and regulations by WildlifeBoard. (1) To provide an adequate and flexible system of protection, propagation, introduction,increase, control, harvest, management, and conservation of protected wildlife in this state and toprovide for the use and development of protected wildlife for public recreation and food supplywhile maintaining a sustainable population of protected wildlife, the Wildlife Board shalldetermine the circumstances, time, location, means, and the amounts, and numbers of protectedwildlife which may be taken.
(2) The Wildlife Board shall, except as otherwise specified in this code:
(a) fix seasons and shorten, extend, or close seasons on any species of protected wildlifein any locality, or in the entire state, if the board finds that the action is necessary to effectuateproper wildlife management and control;
(b) close or open areas to fishing, trapping, or hunting;
(c) establish refuges and preserves;
(d) regulate and prescribe the means by which protected wildlife may be taken;
(e) regulate the transportation and storage of protected wildlife, or their parts, within theboundaries of the state and the shipment or transportation out of the state;
(f) establish or change bag limits and possession limits;
(g) prescribe safety measures and establish other regulations as may be considerednecessary in the interest of wildlife conservation and the safety and welfare of hunters, trappers,fishermen, landowners, and the public;
(h) (i) prescribe when licenses, permits, tags, and certificates of registration shall berequired and procedures for their issuance and use; and
(ii) establish forms and fees for licenses, permits, tags, and certificates of registration;and
(i) prescribe rules and regulations as it may consider necessary to control the use andharvest of protected wildlife by private associations, clubs, partnerships, or corporations,provided the rules and regulations do not preclude the landowner from personally controllingtrespass upon the owner's properties nor from charging a fee to trespass for purposes of huntingor fishing.
(3) The Wildlife Board may allow a season on protected wildlife to commence on anyday of the week except Sunday.
(4) The Wildlife Board shall establish fees for licenses, permits, tags, and certificates ofregistration in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session