23-14-2.5. Wildlife Board Nominating Committee -- Creation -- Membership --Terms -- Quorum. (1) There is created a Wildlife Board Nominating Committee which shall consist of 11members.
(2) The governor shall appoint members to the nominating committee as follows:
(a) three members shall be appointed from a list of at least two nominees per positionsubmitted by the agriculture industry;
(b) three members shall be appointed from a list of at least two nominees per positionsubmitted by sportsmen groups;
(c) two members shall be appointed from a list of at least two nominees per positionsubmitted by nonconsumptive wildlife interests;
(d) one member shall be appointed from a list of at least two nominees submitted byfederal land management agencies;
(e) one local elected official shall be appointed from a list of at least two nomineessubmitted by the Utah Association of Counties; and
(f) one range management specialist shall be appointed from a list of at least twonominees submitted jointly by the Utah Chapter, Society of Range Management and the UtahChapter, Wildlife Society.
(3) Each wildlife region described in Subsection
23-14-2.6(1) shall be represented by atleast one member and no wildlife region may be represented by more than three members.
(4) The nominating committee shall nominate at least two, but not more than four,candidates for each position or vacancy which occurs on the board.
(5) (a) Except as required by Subsection (5)(b), as terms of current board members expire,the governor shall appoint each new or reappointed member to a four-year term.
(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (5)(a), the governor shall, at the timeof appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that:
(i) the terms of board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board isappointed every two years; and
(ii) members from the same wildlife region serve staggered terms.
(c) If a vacancy occurs for any reason, the governor shall appoint a replacement in thesame manner that the position was originally filled to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
(6) The nominating committee shall select a chair and vice chair from its membership.
(7) Six members shall constitute a quorum.
Amended by Chapter 36, 2003 General Session