23-17-5. Damages for destroyed crops -- Limitations -- Appraisal. Whenever pheasants have damaged or destroyed cultivated crops on cleared and plantedland, the Division of Wildlife Resources may pay to the crop owner for the actual damage not toexceed $200 yearly, if the owner notifies the Division of Wildlife Resources of the damagewithin 48 hours after the damage is discovered. The appraisal of the damage shall be made by thecrop owner and the Division of Wildlife Resources as soon after notification as possible. If thecrop owner and the Division of Wildlife Resources are unable to agree on the fair and equitabledamage, they shall call upon a third party, consisting of one or more persons acquainted with thecrops concerned and pheasants, to appraise such damage; but if these provisions relating todamage claims are in conflict with the requirements of the federal Pittman-Robertson Act or therules and regulations issued under it, then the provisions relating to damage claims shall be nulland void.
Enacted by Chapter 46, 1971 General Session