23-18-5. Fur dealer and fur dealer's agent -- Definitions -- Certificates ofregistration required -- Receipts required. (1) Any person engaging in, carrying on, or conducting, wholly or in part, the business ofbuying, selling, trading, or dealing, within the state of Utah, in the skins or pelts of furbearingmammals shall be deemed a fur dealer within the meaning of this code. All fur dealers mustsecure a fur dealer certificate of registration from the Division of Wildlife Resources, but nocertificate of registration shall be required for a licensed trapper or fur farmer selling skins orpelts which he has lawfully taken, or raised, nor for any person not a fur dealer who purchasesany such skins or pelts exclusively for his own use and not for sale.
(2) Any person who is employed by a resident or nonresident fur dealer as a fur buyer, inthe field, is deemed a fur dealer's agent. Application for a fur dealer's agent certificate ofregistration must be made by the fur dealer employing the agent, and no agent certificate ofregistration shall be issued until the necessary fur dealer certificate of registration has been firstsecured by the employer of the agent.
(3) Receipts must be issued by the vendor to the vendee whenever the skins or pelts offurbearing mammals shall change ownership by virtue of sale, exchange, barter or gift; and boththe vendor and vendee shall produce this receipt or evidence of legal transaction upon request bythe Division of Wildlife Resources or other person authorized to enforce the provisions of thiscode.
Amended by Chapter 28, 1980 General Session