23-19-11. Age restriction -- Proof of hunter education required. (1) A person born after December 31, 1965, may not purchase a hunting license or permitunless proof is presented to the division or one of its authorized wildlife license agents that theperson has passed a division-approved hunter education course offered by a state, province, orcountry.
(2) For purposes of this section, "proof" means:
(a) a certificate of completion of a hunter education course;
(b) a preceding year's hunting license or permit issued by a state, province, or countrywith the applicant's hunter education number noted on the hunting license or permit; or
(c) verification of completion of a hunter education course pursuant to Subsections (3)and (4).
(3) If an applicant for a nonresident hunting license or permit is not able to present ahunting license, permit, or a certificate of completion as provided in Subsections (1) and (2), thedivision may contact another state, province, or country to verify the completion of a huntereducation course so that a nonresident hunting license or permit may be issued.
(4) If an applicant for a resident or nonresident hunting license or permit has completed ahunter education course in Utah but is not able to present a hunting license, permit, or a certificateof completion as provided in Subsections (1) and (2), the division may research the division'shunter education records to verify that the applicant has completed the hunter education course.
(5) (a) If an applicant for a resident or nonresident hunting license has completed a huntereducation course and is applying for a hunting permit or license through the division's drawings,Internet site, or other electronic means authorized by the division, the applicant's hunter educationnumber and the name of the state, province, or country that issued the number may constituteproof of completion of a hunter education course under this section.
(b) The division may research the hunter education number to verify that the applicant hascompleted a division-approved hunter education course.
(6) Upon issuance of the hunting license or permit, the division shall indicate theapplicant's hunter education number on the face of the hunting license or permit.
(7) The division may charge a fee for any service provided in Subsection (3) or (4).
Amended by Chapter 75, 2001 General Session