23-19-36. Disabled, mentally impaired, terminally ill persons, and children in thecustody of the state -- License to fish for free. (1) A resident who is blind, paraplegic, or otherwise permanently disabled so as to bepermanently confined to a wheelchair or the use of crutches, or who has lost either or both lowerextremities, may receive a free license to fish upon furnishing satisfactory proof of this fact to theDivision of Wildlife Resources.
(2) A resident who is a mentally retarded person and is not eligible under Section
23-19-14 to fish without a license may receive a free license to fish upon furnishing verificationof mental retardation, as defined in Section
62A-5-101, from a physician.
(3) A resident who is terminally ill, and has less than five years to live, may receive a freelicense to fish:
(a) upon furnishing verification from a physician; and
(b) if he qualifies for assistance under any low income public assistance programadministered by a state agency.
(4) A child placed in the custody of the state by a court order may receive a free fishinglicense upon furnishing verification of custody to the Division of Wildlife Resources.
Amended by Chapter 128, 1999 General Session