23-21-2. Payments in lieu of property taxes on property purchased by division. Prior to the purchase of any real property held in private ownership, the Division ofWildlife Resources shall first submit the proposition to the county legislative body in a regularopen public meeting in the county where the property is located and shall by contractualagreement with the county legislative body, approved by the executive director of the Departmentof Natural Resources, agree to pay an amount of money in lieu of property taxes to the county.The division shall, by contractual agreement with the county legislative body in which anyproperty previously acquired from private ownership and now owned by the division is located,agree to pay annually an amount of money in lieu of wildlife resource fine money, previouslypaid to the county. Payments provided for in this section will not exceed what the regularlyassessed real property taxes would be if the land had remained in private ownership; and thesepayments shall not include any amount for buildings, installations, fixtures, improvements orpersonal property located upon the land or for those acquired, constructed or placed by thedivision after it acquires the land.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session