23-21-2.3. Review and adoption of management plans. (1) The division shall submit the draft management plan to the Resource DevelopmentCoordinating Committee created in Section
63J-4-501 and the Habitat Council created by thedivision for their review and recommendations.
(2) The division shall submit the draft management plan and any recommendationsreceived from the Resource Development Coordinating Committee and the Habitat Council to:
(a) the regional advisory council for the wildlife region in which the lands covered by themanagement plan are located; and
(b) the regional advisory council for any wildlife region that may be affected by themanagement plan.
(3) Each regional advisory council reviewing the draft management plan may makerecommendations to the division director.
(4) The division director has authority to adopt the management plan, adopt the plan withamendments, or reject the plan.
(5) At the request of the division director or any member of the Wildlife Board, theWildlife Board may review a management plan to determine whether the plan is consistent withboard policies.
(6) The division director may amend a management plan in accordance withrecommendations made by the Wildlife Board.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session