23-21-6. Acquisition of lands by United States for migratory bird refuges. (1) The consent of the state of Utah is given to acquisition by the United States of suchareas of land or water in the state, as the United States may deem necessary, by and with theconsent of the county legislative body of the county where the land or water are located and afterapproval of application, subject to the laws of the state of Utah for water rights, for theestablishment and maintenance of migratory waterfowl refuges in accordance with and for thepurpose of the Act of Congress approved February 18, 1929, entitled "Migratory BirdConservation Act" as amended and the Act of Congress approved March 16, 1935, entitled"Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act," as amended; and the same may be used by the UnitedStates as refuge for migratory birds, reserving, however, to the state of Utah jurisdiction, bothcivil and criminal, of persons upon the areas so acquired except so far as the punishment ofoffenses against the United States are concerned.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impose under the state or any agency of itany obligation to convey to the United States any interest in land or water owned or controlled bythe state, except upon appropriate terms and for adequate consideration. The reservation to thestate of coal and other minerals in lands sold by it within areas so established and easementsretained by the state to prospect for, mine, and remove the same are declared to be subject torules and regulations prescribed from time to time by the Secretary of the Interior for theoccupation, use, operation, protection, and administration of these areas as refuges for migratorybirds.
Amended by Chapter 227, 1993 General Session