23-21a-2. Legislative findings and policy. The legislature of the state of Utah recognizes that the number of breeding sites of theAmerican white pelican has been reduced from in excess of 50 prior to 1932 to only seven majorsites in 1976 as a result of the removal of water barriers around breeding sites, loss of foodsupply, and human disturbance of nesting colonies. The legislature of the state of Utah furtherrecognizes that Gunnison Island in the Great Salt Lake, one of the seven remaining pelicanrookeries in North America, produces over 20% of the world's population of the American whitepelican, and is the only remaining major pelican rookery that does not have refuge status. It ishereby declared to be the policy of the state of Utah that areas that will support certain threatenedlife forms shall be preserved for their benefit and for the benefit and enjoyment of present andfuture generations of people.
Enacted by Chapter 103, 1977 General Session