23-23-9. Agents -- Appointment -- Identification -- Refusal of entry by agent. (1) A landowner association may appoint cooperative wildlife management unit agents toprotect private property of the cooperative wildlife management unit.
(2) Each cooperative wildlife management unit agent shall wear or have in his or herpossession a form of identification prescribed by the Wildlife Board which indicates he or she is acooperative wildlife management unit agent.
(3) A cooperative wildlife management unit agent may refuse entry into private landswithin a cooperative wildlife management unit to any person, except an owner of land within theunit and his or her employees, who:
(a) does not have in his or her possession a cooperative wildlife management unitauthorization or permit;
(b) endangers or has endangered human safety;
(c) damages or has damaged private property within a cooperative wildlife managementunit; or
(d) fails or has failed to comply with reasonable rules of a landowner association.
(4) In performing the functions described in this section, a cooperative wildlifemanagement unit agent shall comply with the relevant laws of this state.
Amended by Chapter 258, 1997 General Session