24-1-2. Purpose. It is the intent of this chapter to:
(1) provide a uniform set of procedures and substantive standards for the criminal andcivil forfeiture of property within the state of Utah;
(2) permit law enforcement personnel to deter crime by lawfully seizing and forfeitingcontraband and the instrumentalities and proceeds of criminal conduct;
(3) protect innocent owners and innocent interest holders from the forfeiture of theirproperty;
(4) ensure that seizures and forfeitures of property from private citizens are in proportionto the violation or crime committed;
(5) ensure direct control and accountability over the use and sale of forfeited propertyand the revenue resulting from the disposal of forfeited property;
(6) ensure the revenue resulting from property forfeiture allows continued:
(a) law enforcement, crime prevention, and drug courts; and
(b) other appropriate activities related to the functions under Subsection (6)(a);
(7) maximize the benefits of, and accountability for, federal asset forfeiture sharing forthe citizens of the state; and
(8) direct that any and all revenues resulting from the sale of forfeited property beallocated to the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice for grants to state and locallaw enforcement agencies according to specified guidelines.
Amended by Chapter 296, 2004 General Session