24-1-20. State Law Enforcement Forfeiture Account created -- Revenue sources --Use of account designated. (1) (a) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account called the State LawEnforcement Forfeiture Account.
(b) All monies awarded to the Department of Public Safety or the Department ofCorrections, or any division or agency within either department, through the Crime ReductionAssistance Program created in Section
24-1-19 shall be deposited into the State LawEnforcement Forfeiture Account.
(c) All monies previously deposited, or currently held in the Drug Forfeiture Accountcreated in Section
58-37-20, and that were in that account when it was repealed by Initiative B,which passed in 2000, and which became effective March 29, 2001, shall be transferred to anddeposited in the State Law Enforcement Forfeiture Account created in this Subsection (1).
(2) The Department of Public Safety and the Department of Corrections may expendamounts as appropriated by the Legislature from the State Law Enforcement Forfeiture Accountfor law enforcement purposes or controlled substance law enforcement purposes as specified inSection
(3) That portion of funds forfeited or that are required to be disbursed to othergovernmental entities under existing contractual agreements or Utah statutory requirements areexempt from this section.
(4) Funds forfeited as a result of the Salt Lake Airport Drug Program operated by theDepartment of Public Safety, not to exceed the Department of Public Safety's expenditure to thatprogram, are exempt from this section.
(5) The Department of Public Safety and the Department of Corrections, as part of theannual legislative budget hearings, shall provide to the legislative Executive Offices andCriminal Justice Appropriations Subcommittee a complete accounting of expenditures andrevenues from the funds received under this section.
(6) The Legislature may annually provide, in an appropriations act, legislative directionfor anticipated expenditures of the monies received under this section.
Enacted by Chapter 296, 2004 General Session