(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(e), a health care provider or third party payerin Utah is required to use the standards adopted by the department under the provisions ofSubsection (2) if the health care provider or third party payer elects to engage in an electronicexchange of clinical health information with another health care provider or third party payer.
(b) A health care provider or third party payer may disclose information to thedepartment or a local health department, by electronic exchange of clinical health information, aspermitted by Subsection 45 C.F.R. 164.512(b).
(c) When functioning in its capacity as a health care provider or payer, the department ora local health department may disclose clinical health information by electronic exchange toanother health care provider or third party payer.
(d) An electronic exchange of clinical health information by a health care provider, athird party payer, the department, or a local health department is a disclosure for treatment,payment, or health care operations if it complies with Subsection (3)(a) or (c) and is fortreatment, payment, or health care operations, as those terms are defined in 45 C.F.R. Parts 160,162, and 164.
(e) A health care provider or third party payer is not required to use the standards adoptedby the department under the provisions of Subsection (2) if the health care provider or third partypayer engage in the electronic exchange of clinical health information within a particular healthcare system.
(4) Nothing in this section shall limit the number of networks eligible to engage in theelectronic data interchange of clinical health information using the standards adopted by thedepartment under Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
(5) The department, a local health department, a health care provider, a third party payer,or a qualified network is not subject to civil liability for a disclosure of clinical healthinformation if the disclosure is in accordance both with Subsection (3)(a) and with Subsection(3)(b), (3)(c), or (3)(d).
(6) Within a qualified network, information generated or disclosed in the electronicexchange of clinical health information is not subject to discovery, use, or receipt in evidence inany legal proceeding of any kind or character.
(7) The department shall report on the use of the standards for the electronic exchange ofclinical health information to the legislative Health and Human Services Interim Committee nolater than October 15 of each year. The report shall include publicly available informationconcerning the costs and savings for the department, third party payers, and health care providersassociated with the standards for the electronic exchange of clinical health records.
Amended by Chapter 68, 2010 General Session