26-1-7. Committees within department. (1) There are created within the department the following committees:
(a) Health Facility Committee;
(b) State Emergency Medical Services Committee;
(c) Health Data Committee; and
(d) Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee.
(2) The department shall:
(a) review all committees and advisory groups in existence before July 1, 2003 that arenot listed in Subsection (1) or Section
26-1-7.5, and not required by state or federal law; and
(b) beginning no later than July 1, 2003:
(i) consolidate those advisory groups and committees with other committees or advisorygroups as appropriate to create greater efficiencies and budgetary savings for the department; and
(ii) create in writing, time-limited and subject-limited duties for the advisory groups orcommittees as necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the department.
Amended by Chapter 246, 2003 General Session