26-2-25. Divorce or adoption -- Duty of court clerk to file certificates or reports. (1) (a) For each adoption, annulment of adoption, divorce, and annulment of marriageordered or decreed in this state, the clerk of the court shall prepare a divorce certificate or reportof adoption on a form furnished by the state registrar. The petitioner shall provide the informationnecessary to prepare the certificate or report when he files the petition with the clerk.
(b) The clerk shall prepare the certificate or report and, immediately after the decree ororder becomes final, shall complete the remaining entries. On or before the 15th day of eachmonth, the clerk shall forward the divorce certificates and reports of adoption completed by himduring the preceding month to the state registrar.
(2) If there is filed with the clerk of the court in an adoption proceeding a written consentto adoption by an agency licensed under the laws of the state to receive children for placement oradoption, the agency by its authorized representative shall prepare and complete the report ofadoption and forward it to the state registrar immediately after entry of the decree of adoption.
Amended by Chapter 202, 1995 General Session