26-4-14. Certification of death by attending physician -- Deaths without medicalattendance -- Cause of death uncertain -- Notice requirements. The physician in attendance at the last illness of a deceased person who, in the judgmentof the physician, does not appear to have died in a manner described in Section
26-4-7, shallcertify the cause of death to his best knowledge and belief. When there is no physician inattendance during the last illness or when an attending physician is unable to determine withreasonable certainty the cause of death, the physician or person with custody of the body shall sonotify the medical examiner. If the medical examiner has reason to believe there may be criminalresponsibility for the death, he shall notify the district attorney or county attorney having criminaljurisdiction or the head of the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to make furtherinvestigation of the death.
Amended by Chapter 38, 1993 General Session