26-4-6. Investigation of deaths -- Requests for autopsies. (1) The following have authority to investigate a death described in Section
26-4-7 andany other case which may be within their jurisdiction:
(a) the attorney general or an assistant attorney general;
(b) the district attorney or county attorney who has criminal jurisdiction over the death orcase;
(c) a deputy of the district attorney or county attorney described in Subsection (1)(b); or
(d) a peace officer within the jurisdiction described in Subsection (1)(b).
(2) If, in the opinion of the medical examiner, an autopsy should be performed or if anautopsy is requested by the district attorney or county attorney having criminal jurisdiction, or bythe attorney general, the autopsy shall be performed by the medical examiner or a regionalpathologist.
Amended by Chapter 63, 2009 General Session