26-6-18. Venereal disease -- Consent of minor to treatment. (1) A consent to medical care or services by a hospital or public clinic or the performanceof medical care or services by a licensed physician executed by a minor who is or professes to beafflicted with a sexually transmitted disease, shall have the same legal effect upon the minor andthe same legal obligations with regard to the giving of consent as a consent given by a person offull legal age and capacity, the infancy of the minor and any contrary provision of lawnotwithstanding.
(2) The consent of the minor shall not be subject to later disaffirmance by reason ofminority at the time it was given and the consent of no other person or persons shall be necessaryto authorize hospital or clinical care or services to be provided to the minor by a licensedphysician.
(3) The provisions of this section shall apply also to minors who profess to be in need ofhospital or clinical care and services or medical care or services provided by a physician forsuspected sexually transmitted disease, regardless of whether such professed suspicions aresubsequently substantiated on a medical basis.
Enacted by Chapter 126, 1981 General Session