26-6-30. Exclusions from confidentiality requirements. (1) The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
(a) information that relates to an individual who is in the custody of the Department ofCorrections, a county jail, or the Division of Juvenile Justice Services within the Department ofHuman Services;
(b) information that relates to an individual who has been in the custody of theDepartment of Corrections, a county jail, or the Division of Juvenile Justice Services within theDepartment of Human Services, if liability of either of those departments, a county, or a division,or of an employee of a department, division, or county, is alleged by that individual in a lawsuitconcerning transmission of an infectious or communicable disease; or
(c) any information relating to an individual who willfully or maliciously or with recklessdisregard for the welfare of others transmits a communicable or infectious disease.
(2) Nothing in this chapter limits the right of the individual identified in the informationdescribed in Subsection
26-6-27(1) to disclose that information.
Amended by Chapter 171, 2003 General Session