26-7-2. Center for Multicultural Health -- Duties. (1) As used in this section, "multicultural and minority health issues" means health,including mental and oral health, issues of particular interest to cultural, ethnic, racial, or othersubpopulations, including:
(a) disparities in:
(i) disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, treatment, and treatmentresponse; and
(ii) access to care; and
(b) cultural competency in the delivery of health care.
(2) There is created within the department the Center for Multicultural Health.
(3) The Center for Multicultural Health shall:
(a) promote and coordinate the research, data production and dissemination, education,and health promotion activities of the department, local health departments, local mental healthauthorities, public schools, community-based organizations, Indian tribes, and otherorganizations within the state as they relate to multicultural and minority health issues;
(b) assist in the development and implementation of programs to address multiculturaland minority health issues;
(c) promote the dissemination and use of information on multicultural and minorityhealth issues by minority populations, health care providers, and others;
(d) seek federal funding and other resources to accomplish its mission;
(e) provide technical assistance to entities within the state seeking funding to study oraddress multicultural and minority health issues;
(f) develop and increase the capacity of the center to:
(i) ensure the delivery of qualified timely culturally appropriate translation servicesacross all department programs; and
(ii) provide, where appropriate, linguistically competent translation and communicationservices for limited English proficiency individuals;
(g) provide staff assistance to any advisory committee created by the department to studymulticultural and minority health issues; and
(h) annually report to the Legislature on its activities and accomplishments.
Amended by Chapter 349, 2006 General Session