equipment, and supplies to the scene of a medical emergency; and
(b) required to be permitted under Section 26-8a-304.
(11) "Governing body":
(a) is as defined in Subsection 11-42-102(19); and
(b) for purposes of a "special service district" under Subsection 11-42-102(19), means aspecial service district that has been delegated the authority to select a provider under this chapterby the special service district's legislative body or administrative control board.
(12) "Interested party" means:
(a) a licensed or designated emergency medical services provider that providesemergency medical services within or in an area that abuts an exclusive geographic service areathat is the subject of an application submitted pursuant to Part 4, Ambulance and ParamedicProviders;
(b) any municipality, county, or fire district that lies within or abuts a geographic servicearea that is the subject of an application submitted pursuant to Part 4, Ambulance and ParamedicProviders; or
(c) the department when acting in the interest of the public.
(13) "Medical control" means a person who provides medical supervision to anemergency medical service provider.
(14) "Non-911 service" means transport of a patient that is not 911 transport underSubsection (1).
(15) "Paramedic provider" means an entity that:
(a) employs emergency medical service personnel; and
(b) is required to obtain a license under Part 4, Ambulance and Paramedic Providers.
(16) "Patient" means an individual who, as the result of illness or injury, meets any of thecriteria in Section 26-8a-305.
(17) "Political subdivision" means:
(a) a city or town located in a county of the first or second class as defined in Section17-50-501;
(b) a county of the first or second class;
(c) the following districts located in a county of the first or second class:
(i) a special service district created under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service DistrictAct; or
(ii) a local district under Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - LocalDistricts, for the purpose of providing fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services;
(d) areas coming together as described in Subsection 26-8a-405.2(2)(b)(ii);
(e) an interlocal entity under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act; or
(f) a special service district for fire protection service under Subsection 17D-1-201(9).
(18) "Trauma" means an injury requiring immediate medical or surgical intervention.
(19) "Trauma system" means a single, statewide system that:
(a) organizes and coordinates the delivery of trauma care within defined geographic areasfrom the time of injury through transport and rehabilitative care; and
(b) is inclusive of all prehospital providers, hospitals, and rehabilitative facilities indelivering care for trauma patients, regardless of severity.
(20) "Triage" means the sorting of patients in terms of disposition, destination, orpriority. For prehospital trauma victims, triage requires a determination of injury severity to
assess the appropriate level of care according to established patient care protocols.
(21) "Triage, treatment, transportation, and transfer guidelines" means written proceduresthat:
(a) direct the care of patients; and
(b) are adopted by the medical staff of an emergency patient receiving facility, traumacenter, or an emergency medical service provider.
Amended by Chapter 187, 2010 General Session