26-8a-207. Emergency medical services grant program. (1) (a) The department shall receive as dedicated credits the amount established inSection
51-9-403. That amount shall be transferred to the department by the Division of Financefrom funds generated by the surcharge imposed under Title 51, Chapter 9, Part 4, CriminalConviction Surcharge Allocation.
(b) Funds transferred to the department under this section shall be used for improvementof delivery of emergency medical services and administrative costs as described in Subsection(2)(a). Appropriations to the department for the purposes enumerated in this section shall bemade from those dedicated credits.
(c) All funding for the program created by this section shall be nonlapsing.
(2) (a) The department may use the funds transferred to it under Subsection (1):
(i) to provide staff support; and
(ii) for other expenses incurred in:
(A) administration of grant funds; and
(B) other department administrative costs under this chapter.
(b) After funding staff support, administrative expenses, and trauma systemdevelopment, the department and the committee shall make emergency medical services grantsfrom the remaining funds received as dedicated credits under Subsection (1). A recipient of agrant under this Subsection (2)(b) must actively provide emergency medical services within thestate.
(c) The department shall distribute not less than 25% of the funds, with the percentagebeing authorized by a majority vote of the committee, as per capita block grants for usespecifically related to the provision of emergency medical services to nonprofit prehospitalemergency medical services providers that are either licensed or designated and to emergencymedical services that are the primary emergency medical services for a service area. Thedepartment shall determine the grant amounts by prorating available funds on a per capita basisby county as described in department rule.
(d) The committee shall award the remaining funds as competitive grants for usespecifically related to the provision of emergency medical services based upon rules establishedby the committee.
Amended by Chapter 161, 2010 General Session