26-8a-503. Discipline of emergency medical services personnel. (1) The department may refuse to issue a certificate or renewal, or revoke, suspend,restrict, or place on probation an individual's certificate if:
(a) the individual does not meet the qualifications for certification under Section
(b) the individual has engaged in conduct, as defined by committee rule, that:
(i) is unprofessional;
(ii) is adverse to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare; or
(iii) would adversely affect public trust in the emergency medical service system;
(c) the individual has violated Section
26-8a-502 or other provision of this chapter;
(d) a court of competent jurisdiction has determined the individual to be mentallyincompetent for any reason; or
(e) the individual is unable to provide emergency medical services with reasonable skilland safety because of illness, drunkenness, use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other typeof material, or as a result of any other mental or physical condition, when the individual'scondition demonstrates a clear and unjustifiable threat or potential threat to oneself, coworkers,or the public health, safety, or welfare that cannot be reasonably mitigated.
(2) (a) An action to revoke, suspend, restrict, or place a certificate on probation shall bedone in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), the department may issue a cease and desist orderunder Section
26-8a-507 to immediately suspend an individual's certificate pending anadministrative proceeding to be held within 30 days if there is evidence to show that theindividual poses a clear, immediate, and unjustifiable threat or potential threat to the publichealth, safety, or welfare.
(3) An individual whose certificate has been suspended, revoked, or restricted may applyfor reinstatement of the certificate at reasonable intervals and upon compliance with anyconditions imposed upon the certificate by statute, committee rule, or the terms of thesuspension, revocation, or restriction.
(4) In addition to taking disciplinary action under Subsection (1), the department mayimpose sanctions in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session