26-8a-504. Discipline of designated and licensed providers. (1) The department may refuse to issue a license or designation or a renewal, or revoke,suspend, restrict, or place on probation, an emergency medical service provider's license ordesignation if the provider has:
(a) failed to abide by terms of the license or designation;
(b) violated statute or rule;
(c) failed to provide services at the level or in the exclusive geographic service arearequired by the license or designation;
(d) failed to submit a renewal application in a timely fashion as required by departmentrule;
(e) failed to follow operational standards established by the committee; or
(f) committed an act in the performance of a professional duty that endangered the publicor constituted gross negligence.
(2) (a) An action to revoke, suspend, restrict, or place a license or designation onprobation shall be done in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), the department may issue a cease and desist orderunder Section
26-8a-507 to immediately suspend a license or designation pending anadministrative proceeding to be held within 30 days if there is evidence to show that the provideror facility poses a clear, immediate, and unjustifiable threat or potential threat to the publichealth, safety, or welfare.
(3) In addition to taking disciplinary action under Subsection (1), the department mayimpose sanctions in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session