26-8a-505. Service interruption or cessation -- Receivership -- Default coverage --Notice. (1) Acting in the public interest, the department may petition the district court where anambulance or paramedic provider operates or the district court with jurisdiction in Salt LakeCounty to appoint the department or an independent receiver to continue the operations of aprovider upon any one of the following conditions:
(a) the provider ceases or intends to cease operations;
(b) the provider becomes insolvent;
(c) the department has initiated proceedings to revoke the provider's license and hasdetermined that the lives, health, safety, or welfare of the population served within the provider'sexclusive geographic service area are endangered because of the provider's action or inactionpending a full hearing on the license revocation; or
(d) the department has revoked the provider's license and has been unable to adequatelyarrange for another provider to take over the provider's exclusive geographic service area.
(2) If a licensed or designated provider ceases operations or is otherwise unable toprovide services, the department may arrange for another licensed provider to provide services ona temporary basis until a license is issued.
(3) A licensed provider shall give the department 30 days notice of its intent to ceaseoperations.
Enacted by Chapter 141, 1999 General Session