26-10b-103. Content of applications. Applications for grants under this chapter shall include:
(1) a statement of specific, measurable objectives, and the methods to be used to assessthe achievement of those objectives;
(2) the precise boundaries of the area to be served by the entity making the application,including a description of the medically underserved population to be served by the grant;
(3) the results of an assessment of need demonstrating that the population to be servedhas a need for the services provided by the applicant;
(4) a description of the personnel responsible for carrying out the activities of the grantalong with a statement justifying the use of any grant funds for the personnel;
(5) letters and other forms of evidence showing that efforts have been made to securefinancial and professional assistance and support for the services to be provided under the grant;
(6) a list of services to be provided by the applicant;
(7) the schedule of fees to be charged by the applicant;
(8) the estimated number of medically underserved persons to be served with the grantaward; and
(9) other provisions as determined by the department.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 340, 2010 General Session