26-15-2. Minimum rules of sanitation established by department. The department shall establish and enforce, or provide for the enforcement of minimumrules of sanitation necessary to protect the public health. Such rules shall include, but not belimited to, rules necessary for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, or expansion of:
(1) restaurants and all places where food or drink is handled, sold or served to the public;
(2) public swimming pools;
(3) public baths including saunas, spas, massage parlors, and suntan parlors;
(4) public bathing beaches;
(5) schools which are publicly or privately owned or operated;
(6) recreational resorts, camps, and vehicle parks;
(7) amusement parks and all other centers and places used for public gatherings;
(8) mobile home parks and highway rest stops;
(9) construction or labor camps;
(10) jails, prisons and other places of incarceration or confinement;
(11) hotels and motels;
(12) lodging houses and boarding houses;
(13) service stations;
(14) barbershops and beauty shops;
(15) physician and dentist offices;
(16) public buildings and grounds;
(17) public conveyances and terminals; and
(18) commercial tanning facilities.
Amended by Chapter 25, 2007 General Session