26-15a-102. Definitions. (1) "Back country food service establishment" means a federal or state licensed backcountry guiding or outfitting business that:
(a) provides food services; and
(b) meets department recognized federal or state food service safety regulations for foodhandlers.
(2) "Certified food safety manager" means a manager of a food service establishmentwho:
(a) passes successfully a department-approved examination;
(b) successfully completes, every three years, renewal requirements established bydepartment rule consistent with original certification requirements; and
(c) submits to the appropriate local health department the documentation required bySection
(3) "Food service establishment" means any place or area within a business ororganization where potentially hazardous foods are prepared and intended for individual portionservice and consumption by the general public, whether the consumption is on or off thepremises, and whether or not a fee is charged for the food.
(4) "Local health department" means a local health department as defined in Subsection
(5) "Potentially hazardous foods" shall be defined by the department by administrativerule adopted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session