26-15a-106. Certified food safety manager. (1) Before a person may manage a food service establishment as a certified food safetymanager, that person shall submit documentation in the format prescribed by the department tothe appropriate local health department indicating a passing score on a department-approvedexamination.
(2) To continue to manage a food service establishment, a certified food safety managershall:
(a) successfully complete, every three years, renewal requirements established bydepartment rule which are consistent with original certification requirements; and
(b) submit documentation in the format prescribed by the department within 30 days ofthe completion of renewal requirements to the appropriate local health department.
(3) A local health department may deny, revoke, or suspend the authority of a certifiedfood safety manager to manage a food service establishment or require the completion ofadditional food safety training courses for any one of the following reasons:
(a) submitting information required under Subsection (1) or (2) that is false, incomplete,or misleading;
(b) repeated violations of department or local health department food safety rules; or
(c) operating a food service establishment in a way that causes or creates a health hazardor otherwise threatens the public health, safety, or welfare.
(4) A determination of a local health department made pursuant to Subsection (3) may beappealed by a certified food safety manager in the same manner provided for in Subsection
(5) No person may use the title "certified food safety manager," or any other similar title,unless the person has satisfied the requirements of this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 86, 2000 General Session