26-18-12. Expansion of 340B drug pricing programs. (1) The department shall, in accordance with this section, expand the state Medicaidprogram's use of savings under the 340B drug pricing program.
(2) The department shall:
(a) determine:
(i) the feasibility of developing and implementing one or more 340B drug pricingprograms for a specific disease, similar to the department's hemophilia disease managementservices; and
(ii) whether the 340B drug program for a specific disease results in greater savings forthe department than other drug management programs for the particular disease;
(b) report by May 21, 2008 to the Legislature's Health and Human Services InterimCommittee and Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee regarding:
(i) potential cost savings to the state Medicaid program from expansion of the use of340B drug pricing programs;
(ii) state Medicaid plan amendments or waivers necessary to implement increased use of340B drug pricing programs by the state Medicaid program; and
(iii) projected implementation of the 340B drug pricing programs identified under theprovisions of Subsection (2)(a);
(c) work with the Association for Utah Community Health to identify and assistcommunity clinics that do not have 340B drug pricing programs to determine whether, underapplicable federal law:
(i) the patients of the community health center would benefit from establishing a 340Bdrug pricing program either on site, or through a contract with a pharmacy provider; and
(ii) the community health center can provide the 340B drug price savings to thecommunity health center's Medicaid patients; and
(d) beginning May 21, 2008, report on a quarterly basis to the Legislature's Health andHuman Services Interim Committee and Health and Human Services AppropriationsSubcommittee on the department's progress towards implementing an expansion of the use of the340B drug pricing program by community health centers.
(3) If the department needs a Medicaid waiver to implement a 340B drug program for aspecific disease, the department shall comply with the reporting requirements of Subsection(2)(b)(ii) of this section, and the reporting requirements of Section
(4) This section shall sunset in accordance with Section
Enacted by Chapter 60, 2008 General Session