26-18-3.2. Release of financial information. (1) (a) Upon request from a hospital, or a designated agent of a hospital, a bank or otherfinancial institution shall provide the hospital, or the designated agent of the hospital, financialrecords of a patient upon the receipt of a notarized document that includes the following patientinformation:
(i) name;
(ii) address;
(iii) Social Security number; and
(iv) patient permission to release the information required by this Subsection (1) to thebank or financial institution.
(b) The document required by this Subsection (1) shall be signed by the patient andacknowledged by a notary public.
(2) A hospital, or a designated agent of the hospital, may only request the informationrequired under Subsection (1), if the hospital or the agent of the hospital:
(a) determines that the patient has no ability to pay; and
(b) has received adequate documentation from the patient, such as a valid driver licenseor passport, to verify the identity of the patient.
Enacted by Chapter 347, 2010 General Session