documentation to each spouse and shall retain a copy of the assessment. When the divisionprovides a copy of the assessment, it shall include a notice stating that the spouse may request ahearing under Subsection (11).
(6) When determining eligibility for medical assistance under this chapter:
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), all the resources held by either theinstitutionalized spouse, community spouse, or both, are considered to be available to theinstitutionalized spouse.
(b) Resources are considered to be available to the institutionalized spouse only to theextent that the amount of those resources exceeds the amounts specified in Subsections (1)(c)(i)through (iv) at the time of application for medical assistance under this chapter.
(7) The division may not find an institutionalized spouse to be ineligible for medicalassistance by reason of resources determined under Subsection (5) to be available for the cost ofcare when:
(a) the institutionalized spouse has assigned to the state any rights to support from thecommunity spouse;
(b) (i) except as provided in Subsection (7)(b)(ii), the institutionalized spouse lacks theability to execute an assignment due to physical or mental impairment;
(ii) Subsection (7)(b)(i) does not prevent the division from seeking a court order seekingan assignment of support; or
(c) the division determines that denial of medical assistance would cause an undueburden.
(8) During the continuous period in which an institutionalized spouse is in an institutionand after the month in which an institutionalized spouse is eligible for medical assistance, theresources of the community spouse may not be considered to be available to the institutionalizedspouse.
(9) When an institutionalized spouse is determined to be eligible for medical assistance,in determining the amount of the spouse's income that is to be applied monthly for the cost of carein the nursing care facility, the division shall deduct from the spouse's monthly income thefollowing amounts in the following order:
(a) a personal needs allowance, the amount of which is determined by the division;
(b) a community spouse monthly income allowance, but only to the extent that theincome of the institutionalized spouse is made available to, or for the benefit of, the communityspouse;
(c) a family allowance for each family member, equal to at least 1/3 of the amount thatthe amount described in Subsection (10)(a)(i) exceeds the amount of monthly income of thatfamily member; and
(d) amounts for incurred expenses for the medical or remedial care for theinstitutionalized spouse.
(10) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(b), the division shall establish a minimummonthly maintenance needs allowance for each community spouse which is not less than the sumof:
(i) 150% of the current poverty guideline for a two-person family unit that applies to thisstate as established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services; and
(ii) an excess shelter allowance.
(b) The amount provided in Subsection (10)(a) may not exceed $1,976, unless a court
order establishes a higher amount.
(11) (a) An institutionalized spouse or a community spouse may request a hearing withrespect to the determinations described in Subsections (11)(e)(i) through (v) if an application formedical assistance has been made on behalf of the institutionalized spouse.
(b) A hearing under this subsection regarding the community spouse resource allowanceshall be held by the division within 90 days from the date of the request for the hearing.
(c) If either spouse establishes that the community spouse needs income, above the levelotherwise provided by the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance, due to exceptionalcircumstances resulting in significant financial duress, there shall be substituted, for the minimummonthly maintenance needs allowance provided under Subsection (10), an amount adequate toprovide additional income as is necessary.
(d) If either spouse establishes that the community spouse resource allowance, in relationto the amount of income generated by the allowance is inadequate to raise the communityspouse's income to the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance, there shall besubstituted, for the community spouse resource allowance, an amount adequate to provide aminimum monthly maintenance needs allowance.
(e) A hearing may be held under this subsection if either the institutionalized spouse orcommunity spouse is dissatisfied with a determination of:
(i) the community spouse monthly income allowance;
(ii) the amount of monthly income otherwise available to the community spouse;
(iii) the computation of the spousal share of resources under Subsection (4);
(iv) the attribution of resources under Subsection (6); or
(v) the determination of the community spouse resource allocation.
(12) (a) An institutionalized spouse may transfer an amount equal to the communityspouse resource allowance, but only to the extent the resources of the institutionalized spouse aretransferred to or for the sole benefit of the community spouse.
(b) The transfer under Subsection (12)(a) shall be made as soon as practicable after thedate of the initial determination of eligibility, taking into account the time necessary to obtain acourt order under Subsection (12)(c).
(c) Title 26, Chapter 19, Medical Benefits Recovery Act, does not apply if a court hasentered an order against an institutionalized spouse for the support of the community spouse.
Enacted by Chapter 243, 1997 General Session