26-18a-2. Creation and membership of Kurt Oscarson Children's OrganTransplant Coordinating Committee -- Expenses. (1) There is created the Kurt Oscarson Children's Organ Transplant CoordinatingCommittee.
(2) The committee shall have five members representing the following:
(a) the executive director of the Department of Health or his designee;
(b) two representatives from public or private agencies and organizations concerned withproviding support and financial assistance to the children and families of children who needorgan transplants; and
(c) two individuals who have had organ transplants, have children who have had organtransplants, who work with families or children who have had or are awaiting organ transplants,or community leaders or volunteers who have demonstrated an interest in working with familiesor children in need of organ transplants.
(3) (a) The governor shall appoint the committee members and designate the chair fromamong the committee members.
(b) (i) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b)(ii), each member shall serve a four-yearterm.
(ii) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(b)(i), the governor shall, at thetime of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of thecommittee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed everytwo years.
(4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but, atthe executive director's discretion, may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section
(b) Section
63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
(5) The Department of Health shall provide support staff for the committee.
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session