26-20-4. Kickbacks or bribes prohibited. (1) For purposes of this section, kickback or bribe:
(a) includes rebates, compensation, or any other form of remuneration which is:
(i) direct or indirect;
(ii) overt or covert; or
(iii) in cash or in kind; and
(b) does not include a rebate paid to the state under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1396r-8 or any statesupplemental rebates.
(2) A person may not solicit, offer, pay, or receive a kickback or bribe in return for or toinduce:
(a) the purchasing, leasing, or ordering of any goods or services for which payment is ormay be made in whole or in part pursuant to a medical benefit program; or
(b) the referral of an individual to another person for the furnishing of any goods orservices for which payment is or may be made in whole or in part pursuant to a medical benefitprogram.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 48, 2007 General Session