26-23-10. Religious exemptions from code -- Regulation of state-licensed healingsystem practice unaffected by code. (1) Nothing in this code shall be construed to compel any person to submit to any medicalor dental examination or treatment under the authority of this code when such person, or theparent or guardian of any such person objects to such examination or treatment on religiousgrounds, or to permit any discrimination against such person on account of such objection;provided, that exemption from medical or dental examination shall not be granted if the executivedirector has reasonable cause to suspect a substantial menace to the health of other personsexposed to contact with the unexamined person.
(2) Nothing in this code shall be construed as authorizing the supervision, regulation, orcontrol of the remedial care or treatment of residents in any home or institution conducted forthose who rely upon treatment by prayer or spiritual means in accordance with the creed or tenetsof any well recognized church or religious denomination, provided the statutes and regulations onsanitation are complied with.
(3) Nothing in this code shall be construed or used to amend any statute now in forcepertaining to the scope of practice of any state-licensed healing system.
Enacted by Chapter 126, 1981 General Session